rach A
nat koh
rach S
rach T


:: rgs=) ::
:: ada 'psl'::
:: cheryl 'psl'::
:: charlene 'psl'::
:: xian ying 'spsl'::
:: joanna 'prefect'::
:: april::
:: nat koh ::
:: rach sim::
:: jess::
:: rach tan ::
:: wen yan ::
:: huizi : :
:: qianyu : :
:: paula twohill/tien: :

:: 101: :
:: 102: :
:: 103: :
:: 105: :
:: 106: :
:: 107: :
:: 108: :
:: 109: :
:: 110: :
:: 111: :
:: 112: :
:: 113: :


Designer: Babywingz
Font: DaFont

Friday, February 09, 2007

this is ME, tienli after a long long time cos we're all so busy with ccas and homework.
so here's the deal: i changed the blogskin to LIVEN UP THIS PLACE cos its so dead, as dead as my blog. it isn't a good sign.
so yea haha if there's
1) anything wrong with the blogskin cos i rushed it
2) problems and clashes in opinions in general ( i thought it was quite cute.)
okay yea thats all i have to go (:

7:22 PM

Super Junior <333

Saturday, December 30, 2006

So I'm the first to post so far..haha.
Like, the postings are out.
GOODBYE 2006, because in just a few (two I think) days time, 2006 will be gone and in no time, 2007 will be gone, and in no time, our rgs life will be over AND IN NO TIME WE'LL BE WORKING, so on and so forth. But ya, in any case, I be there was something to remember from our freshman year in rgs so...
and here I go again on another of my emo rants.
So before I start spouting any more nonsense, I just want to say that...erm...
1) Treasure the past,live for the present and embrace the future, whatever they throw at you...
2) Remember that YOU ARE LOVED by someone out there and that if you ever feel unloved, just scream out all your troubles to the sky and all the misery will be gone!!! AHAHA.
3) HAPPY NEW YEAR and may all of you oneohfourians succeed in everything you do..

Here's to a good year ahead, and many high GPAs as well.

-keep the dream alive.


4:06 AM

Super Junior <333

Monday, December 11, 2006

Maybe there isn't. ARGH.

OKAY BYEBYE. I'll write a proper post. Soon.

tien. out.

4:34 AM

Super Junior <333

Sunday, November 12, 2006

me and rachel looking, er, extremely smiley! HAHA.

liting's beautiful swimming pool view!! (:

simmy smiling so radiantly! (:

rachel looking SUPER CUTTE!! (:

jess going in the poool! (:

uh, i don't know what happened to rachel ang! sotong! (:

sandra and wenyan in the pool!! (:


8:10 AM

Super Junior <333

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Class party!

5:21 PM

Super Junior <333

Saturday, November 04, 2006

hello people!
being the TOTALLY AWESOME class secretary i am (HAHAHA), i have decided to make a class email for us so that we can send emails to the teachers without having to use our personal emails. so it shall be okay! :D respective subject reps :
English & Lit (Mr Sakhar) - Julia
Chinese (Tang Laoshi) - Rachel Ang
Geog (Ms Wong) - Yu tan
History (Ms Tay) - Huizi
CLE (Ms Siu)- Wenyan
, please find out the emails of these teachers so that the pictures and video urls can be sent over to them! (: i think we should also come up with an online thankyou card or something? okay, anyone who already has these emails or have other ideas, please tag! (:
love lots,
p.s. if any of you ever feel unloved by everyone in this world at one time in your boggin' long life, just remember that there's someone out there called RACHEL TAN SU-LYN who loves you veryvery much! :D

1:57 AM

Super Junior <333

hello darling oneohfour!
i wrote testimonials to every single one of you yesterday, and since i figured that not everyone in this class goes to my blog, i have to post those messages here too! :D i think im really going to miss 104. ): we were such a nice, happy class! apart from the occasional fight or disagreement. lol! yes and our niceness and enthuness literally OOZES out from our classroom door!!!!

RACHEL ANG: ahh! dear fearless addict and chinese rep! yay you must quickly start talking topris again okay! :D hahahahha.
BRENDA: THANKYOU for being there for me, for listening to everything i had to say, and for gossiping with me! (: andandand for always having nice things to say to flatter me. HAHAHA! <3
RUOXI: i think you're probably the most mature girl in class, and the one that has helped us think straight and keep us sane! :D
HUANYING: yay without you, our class projects would never have been as cool as they have been. :D like national day! thankyou for making our props! (:
CHELSEA: you prettypretty tennis star! must remember me even after you become famous okay? ANNIE SULLIVAN! :D <3
CHERYL: fantabulous netball carn rep! sorry i couldnt get you a brenda song autograph but we hardly had any time cos they were running on a 'tight production schedule' according to the directors ):
PRISCILLA: EVERGREEN TREE and HISTORY BUFF! sec2 life will never ever be the same without the smarty pants sitting behind me and the awesome person who actually keeps our group on track when we do group work! :D my darling sims fanatic and CAPTAIN KELLER! get well soon :D <3
AMELIA: YAY you cool photographer! PERCY! :D thankyou for taking all our vids and pics today! and being a cool set designer for the POLKA TAINTED ELEPHANTS! :D
APRIL: haha you and your hand massages! stay cute & fair & happy! :D
DORCAS: ZOMGG DORCAS I SWEAR YOU'RE THE NICEST, MOST MELLOW PERSON I'LL EVER MEET IN MY LIFE. thankyou for always helping out in any class projects, especially those that involved ART and being such a cool-headed vice class chair! :) <3
DUXUAN: you're rather scary sometimes you know! hahahha the way you answer questions with such a serious face. oh well, you're still cool and good luck for OM! :D
EUNICE: 'YOURE LISTENING TO NEWS RADIO 938. TIMECHECK! ITS FAST APPROACHING 7AM.' HAHAHAHAHHHAHA thankyou for being such a nice fellow toilet group member. HAHAHA. and being enthu with us and forever chatting with pris behind joey and i and forever being called to answer questions and forever smiling away! :D have fun down under! 'TIME FOR A CUP OF CUPPA ROMA. WHEN DRINKING IS GOOD. AHHHHH' lol! <3
JESSICA: thankyou for being a GREAT pe rep! and being all mature and helping to control the class! (:
JOEY: HAPPY BUNNIES LOVE EACH OTHER! :D good luck for OM! and thankyou for always being HYPER and HIGH with me during math! (: we came up with lots of wacky things together: THE FARMER AND HER BUFFALO and BABY BARB! <3
JULIA: you scarily intelligent creature! (: JULU = GUPTAN plastic surgeon! hhhahah.
KATHRYN: thankyou for going to the class tray everyday and always trying to keep the class in order! (:
KRYSTAL: ORAL BUDDY AND MATH BUDDY AND GEOG BUDDY! nice person to sit next to when we're getting back papers! :D
JOANNA: JOANNA! the quiet one who sat next to the boisterous joey and i! :D sorry if we were making too much noise, and thankyou for always being so helpful! :)
DANETTA: hahah the SHUAI girl! :)
WEIXIN: fellow guide! thankyou for always eating with me before guides and waiting for me to finish changing before leaving the classroom! (well most of the time!) :D
YUTAN: hahaha geog rep! :) are you still maple obsessed?!?!!?!?!?! :D
QIANYU: SQUIRREL! I'M GOING TO MISS YOU OH SO MUCH! (: thankyou for all the TIGHT hugs you have given me, all the maple advice (lol), bearing with my supposedly booming voice over the phone, and keeping all my secrets!!!! <3
SHIHARN: thankyou for keeping the class in order and always being so willing to help and buying my orange crepe paper from the popular book shop for drama night auditions! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!
CHARLOTTE: LADY CHARLOTTE! :) HAHAHHA yay thankyou for being NICE! and being YOU! and always smiling and helping me stick my leaves onto my fingers for drama night! :D
WENYAN: my gosh wen yan! you're so pro at everything! :D so on-the-ball! very admirable indeed! :D thankyou for being an absolutely fantastic cle rep, and for always helping our class in anything we needed help with! (:
NATALIE: science rep! luckily you warned me about the planet zork rubrics otherwise i think i would have died of fright! :D nicenice person! :D
SANDRA: hahah one thing im really going to miss is SANDRA NG WAN QI's non-stop laughter. hahhaha laughing at every single thing mentioned! VAN GOGH and the twelve sun flowers! (:
JENNY: jenny! no more fun and laughter to brighten up our lessons! ): you and samantha arh! ): hahhahhhah. i'll miss you!!!!!! telephone operator!!! :)
YUJIA: thankyou for always making scripts for our dear class. :) though they were a tad weird at times, they got us through! thankyou!!! :) and also for making our planet zork environment! good luck for OM! :D
RACHEL SIM: simmy! AHHH im going to be so depressed if im not in the same class as you next year (which will probably be the case) ):! there'll be no more fighting of who takes attendance, no more hearing ,' RACHELLLLLL' countless times. ): i'll miss you! <3
SAMANTHA: sammm! no more joker in class! you and jenny arh! HAHAHHA. no mroe listening to goong and being fully immersed in its wonders, no more goong gossip & gushing sessions! ): dont be sad anymore okay! remember the class tray! :D <3
XIAOTING: yay you've always been really quiet and ive never really talked to you that much but thankyou for being in 104! and keep singing! by the way, i think you've got a really cool voice. lol. (:!
TIENLI: TSKTSK. you ah! when you come back to school next year, make sure you have a full crown of hair on your head! (quoted from ms nina) :D dont stress out too much and i'll always remember you as the partner who took every single thing she did so uber seriously and came with piles of notes which were as high as mountains. :D BRAVE lab partner! :)
JOLYN: ahh super cute DUMBLEDORE! HAHAHAHA! remember book day! (:
LITING: my darling babylonian! thankyou for all your awesome advice and understanding and care and concern and going to learning lab with me! :D <3
HUIZI: thankyou for designing our class tee! we all know how much effort you put into it! THANKYOU!

i took really long to type that 104! but i just wanted to show you guys all my appreciation for making my first year in RGS a great one!
with tons and tons of love,
rach tan. :)

1:16 AM

Super Junior <333

Friday, November 03, 2006

Add Image

9:33 PM

Super Junior <333

HEY! i'll try sending everyone the pictures too. plus the videos (and that is if my comp doesn't hang!)
=) yay. enjoy your holidays and stay happy huh! dream of each other in your sweet dreams so we will remember everyone even up to 100 years when we walk the streets! "OOH. A ONEOHFOURIAN!" =))

8:39 PM

Super Junior <333

but the sound system is so screwed!
hahahahaha (:

5:51 AM

Super Junior <333


4:46 AM

Super Junior <333

As we go on we remember,
All the times we had together.
And as our lives change,
Come whatever,
We'll still be,

Get well priscilla! (:
And to all oneohfour-ians, lets keep the blue flame and the four-ian flame burning!

-the brightest flames are always blue-

4:22 AM

Super Junior <333


3:39 AM

Super Junior <333